Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Night RAW review

March 3 2012

Monday Night RAW Review

Tonight was the Monday Night RAW from the Boston Garden. It featured the confrontation of The Rock and John Cena, along with the special appearance by Mr. Wrestlemania himself - Shawn Michaels.

The show began with Shawn Michaels discussing the fallout from two weeks ago in regards to the HHH/Undertaker confrontation in which Triple H finally, after long resistment and some trash talking but strong words by Undertaker, agreed to face the deadman at Wrestlemania with the added stipulation - Hell In The Cell. As the discussion came to conclusion mode, HBK stunned Triple H as he said he is going to be the special guest referee for the HITC match at Wrestlemania.

My Opinion - With HBK added on as the referee, the HITC match is going to be more interesting to say the least due to the history between all of the three indivuduals.

Jack Swagger defended the United States championship against the fan favourite Santino Marrella. With the commotion going all corners of the ring outside, it was the underdog marella who pull the thriller with the United States Championship victory.

My Opinion - Congrats to Santino, but don't count on the long title reign although his push is at his all-time best at the current moment.

Eve defeated Alicia Fox under 30 seconds in the singles divas action with Kelly Kelly at ringside as apprently she and Eve faced off on Twitter recently last week.

My Opinion - Eve is doing well right now and I can see her facing Kelly Kelly at WM. I prefer Karma and Beth Phoenix for the WWE Divas Title at WM, though.

Zach Ryder returned, disowns Eve. Eve and Zack embraced at backstage.

My Opinion - Confusing to say the least.

Chris Jericho pins the WWE champion and oppoenent at WM - CM Punk in a tag-team match.

My Opinion - Advantage-Jericho. Nice momentum builder for WM against CM Punk in what will be a classic.

The Rock's vignettes aka History Lessons about Boston and USA. John Cena discusses about his history perspective and how this upcoming WM is going to be the highlight of his career.

My Opinion - Very funny vignettes, defentely gained ground on the promo war with Cena after Cena OWNED rock last week. John Cena had great stuff still.

The Squashes - Big Show def. The Miz and Kane def. R-Truth

My Opinion - The Miz is getting a dose of "Shelton Benjamin" syndrome right now and R-Truth should keep his ego at a minimum, especially with him going to compete at WM.

The Rock/John Cena Confrontation. Nice job between the two. Both men didn't budge whatsoever.

My Opinion - Another strong peformance by Cena. He handled himself quite well with The Rock who is the guy who revolutizionized the way promos are really made to shine.

My Opinion Overall - Another good buildup for WM by all parties involved. However, I believe we need Jim Ross commentating the main event matches (HITC match, WWE/World Title matches, and Rock/Cena bout) at WM since Michael Cole still doesn't have the same formula (in my opinion) to be the lead guy in the WWE broadcasting team as he did when he was in Smackdown years ago.